I'm a product designer🧑‍💻 based in Northern California 🏔️. Take a look at my work, my resume, and get in touch to  make some ✨ magic together!

How I work

Putting humans at the center means we lead with insights that are often messy to uncover 

There’s design process in a vacuum, and then there’s design process in the real world. When there is pressure to ship products, we can’t always follow the perfect design process, but there are a few things that always remain true. Good design comes from slowing down and asking the right questions. Good design takes time and input from the right people.

Design principles I live by


Good design is never done. It’s constantly evolving as we receive more data points. From wireframes to live designs, there’s always something we can learn more about and improve in our next iteration.


Humans are messy, but listening to them, and looking for patterns in what we hear can uncover insights that unlock the potential of products. Empathy with users takes products from the realm of good, to great.


It’s a designer’s job to sweat the details. From considering every edge case while organizing flows to crafting files that are easy for developers to digest, taking the time to do it right is at the core of the job.


Our users spend most of their day interacting with digital products. How many of those are memorable? Anticipating needs, making things simple and streamlined, or even injecting some humor are all ways a product can stand out.

Case 01

Increasing Patient Activation

This case study is a prime example of how listening to users, and looking at the data can uncover the unexpected, and lead you to solutions you had not considered from the start. This effort started as a deep dive into onboarding, with the aim of increasing activation, and ended up steering the company strategy in the direction of comprehensive treatment programs.

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Payments Dashboard

Check out my process for a ground-up redesign of a B2B payments dashboard. The project includes reimagining the IA and navigation, adding or improving several features, plus a full visual facelift.

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Case 02
Case 03

Embedded tax tool

Zero to one product development process for an embedded tax tool that leverages payroll data and user inputs to estimate tax outcomes, and adjust payroll withholdings to reach a desired tax outcome.

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🚧 PlushCare Design System

This case study is under construction! Check back soon or lets jump on a call I can walk you through the work I did.

Case 04
Brands I've worked with
Work Archive - AKA eye candy
Let's make something great together